9 Replies

if he is suddenly going through this phase, i would suggest try co-sleeping for some time. it will help make him more secure and ease him to sleep better. try massaging him on the back and head while gently talking to him. keep him in your arms for some time till he calms down, and talk to him in a soft soothing voice. i know it takes a lot of patience, but just hang in there. i experienced this with both my kids and soon the phase passed.

Don't put him in his bed...maybe he's feeling claustrophobic...or just the phase of insecurity that he's going through...if he likes to listen to your voice then put him in his bed, put his fav blanket on him, keep singing and record your voice which u can play in a loop the entire night in a low tone...

Same apply to my grandson . And i will try to carry him for about 15mins and make sure he us calm down and also try some classical music to make them feel sleepy and also you can try rubbing his forehead so he can fall asleep easily ! Some kids just need accompany !

You can try massaging him before he goes to bed. Kids at this age get angsty when they've been active all day, and do not realise it. I've tried Johnson's Lavender Bedtime Lotion. It may help calm his active nerves, and it smells oh-so-yummy too!

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ya don't put he in his bed young children they mine flighty but if he calm down by sleep with you. You can let him sleep on a mattress at the side on the floor. so if he wake up he can see you at your bed.

Maybe you can try to cosleep with him. A massage before bedtime is another good way to calm your child down. I also apply lavender on his wrist and behind his ears.
