Which week did your morning sickness peak at?

I experienced nauseous (no vomiting) at around week 5. Saw gynae on week 6 (didn't vomit daily, just felt nauseous), and now coming to week 8, I realised I'm having it worse. I would vomit stomach acid at least once per day everyday (still managed to stomach down some food and 3 to 4 hours later, would vomit stomach acid). The nauseous feeling hits whenever I am awake and I'm always forcing myself to sleep so I could get over it. How did u guys tahan it man 😫

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actually i also cannot tahan. Started at week 5 till week 15. It was a crazy morning sickness. Thank god it feel better when u reach ur second trimester. Hang on there mummy !! u can do this !! Dr usually will prescribe the vomit medicine but I only ate once. I feel like its better for me to deal w it naturally .No point eating it coz i still feel nausea. 😪

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3y trước

I really hope it will subside by end of trimester 🥴 I lay in bed until my back also aching. the only positive takeaway from having morning sickness is that fetus is growing hahaha the only motivation I can find

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mine was from 8week to 12week and then it stopped! try ginger tea/sniffing ginger ointments. rly helped me alot! also your gynae might provide you with a med to help with the nausea! im at 21 weeks now and sadly sometimes the morning sickness comes to visit now and then still :(

3y trước

me too. i also v sensitive to smell. esp when i go & do my big business. everytime i do my business, cfm guarantee + chop will merlion something out.

From week 4 to now (week 17) I have symptoms like yours and on top of that I have persistent headache. Had to be admitted twice. Talk to your gynae, I’m on 6 hourly maxalon and dicletin at night. Once I delay my meds be 1-2 hours, the symptoms come back. Take care.

3y trước

yeah! I have this headache too, only comes at night when I'm about to sleep. haha I went for my 2nd appt w gynae today, told her about nauseous getting worse compared to the first visit and she was like it's normal and didn't have the intention to give me any pills but after visiting her today, I somehow feel better maybe because of her assurance and also probably placebo effect 🤣 she told me just to carry on w my usual routine so I would feel better. I really hope my morning sickness will subside when I enter 2nd trimester 🙏🏻

Week 33-34 (current) as vomiting increases despite only eating small portions.

Mine peaked from week 9-12. I think sleeping really helps

Super Mom
