The one advice to you would be ...

Tell us your one advice for first-time mums.

The one advice to you would be ...
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Don't stress, don't worry. Baby will be fine and healthy. 💪

Thành viên VIP

The first three months will be tough but things will get better!💪

5y trước

Your parents can come over as it is an informal childcare arrangement

Thành viên VIP

Bonding with precious gem is wonderful. Keep going mummies.

Sleep as much as possible! Spend loads of couple time too!

Thành viên VIP

Dont stress so much.. baby will after all still grow up

Enjoy the process! ❤️❤️❤️

It's okay not to love every minute of motherhood.

Super Mom

Enjoy your me time moment before it's gone

Learn breathing and relaxation techniques

Thành viên VIP

It's never too late to start self care