Soya Bean/Tau Huay
Is it okay to drink soya bean/eat tau huay everyday? Heard it’s good for baby’s skin ...

Old people say cannot lah~ I dont believe eat what & what the baby skin will be good. Since skin is human’s biggest organ and is genetics. Some also say drink coffee later baby skin dark, i drank one everyday baby also so fair. 🤔
I ate & drink both daily with 2 of my pregnancies but 1 serving per day only with less sugar. Eat everything in moderation. Baby's good skin has nothing to do with the bean curd leh... nonsense ah
soya milk can but occasionally not everyday. no no for beancurd. I've heard before that soya milk will make baby have jaundice how true is it I'm not sure but I did avoid drinking too frequently.
I drink soy bean milk (low GI kind) every other day which doc approve as part of my diet. Tau huay better without the syrup cause of the sugar level.
Yup I drink soy bean milk quite often throughout my pregnancy as I can't stand normal milk. Tau huay take the low sugar. I only eat it occasionally.
Having soya bean with less sugar on alternate days should be ok as baby skin will be smooth (old people saying)
Yes, can eat but moderate. Coz it contains 石膏. I heard is not good to eat a lot even u r not pregnant.
Baby’s skin depends on genetics. You can eat anyway but in moderation.
I drank a cup everyday during lunch. Asked for low or no sugar option
I think good for baby skin! low sugar one!! or without sugar..
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