Is it ok to pat your baby back to help to spit out (to be exact vomit out) phlegm in her chest? My baby is just 4 mo, and have been coughing so bad. We are using nebulizer but I don't see its helpful as she is still coughing so bad. I am told to keep a watch till Friday to see if coughing will continue and becoming bronchitis. Any mum can share their experience? Thanks !

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PD ever taught me before to cup my hands like a mountain and pat baby's back , best if baby facing downward so that gravity can make the phlegm come out. My gal was born with a lot of phlegm. I took her to PD in second month and she had her phlegm sucked out but not a lot came out. But what came out was very vey sticky. Then she was given phlegm Med. She finished the whole bottle but phlegm still there. I have learnt to live with her having phlegm permanently. It did get better but once a while she will sound like a lot of phlegm stuck inside her. You can bring her to YU Guo massage? Eh yang sang has this Hou Ning powder which is supposedly good for removing phlegm. Btw I am curious was yours a c sect or did she catch any virus?

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7y trước

Mine is Csect but she got her phlegm mainly because of Cold..