Is it ok to lay baby on chest for naps

Is it ok to lay 1.5 month old tummy down on our chest while we lay 45 degree up? For short naps and i wont be sleeping. Will it hinder their breathing since its kind of pressing on their chest? As my baby will wakeup whenever i put him down, this is the only way to make him nap a little longer, atleast till we make it to the next feeding time 😂🥵 #firsttimemom

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I do that to my LO too just for LO to sleep longer. Id Especially fo that when LO falls aslp after feeding and would be angsty if trying to burp her. So ill lay her on my chest for 30mins before putting her down to prevent milk spilling

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Seems like safe sleep rules. Always keep an eye out for breathing. Contact naps are the best if u dont have a million things to do😅

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mine also sleep best on their tummies... monitored v closely tho
