Pregnant Symptoms

hi all... now i'm positive with 6weeks pregnant (as confirmed by doctor). But can i know, is it normal if i'm not feel anything like any other pregnant women symptoms such as dizziness, vomitting, craving, etc... only by next week i can do for baby scannng, so untill now i am still worried... =(

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Saya currently 8 weeks 6 days. Baru seminggu morning sickness. Dah 2 kali x pegi ofis. Pening gilaaa. X larat

5y trước

Sabar jelah... mudah2an msk trimester lain nnt pening2 tu smua hilang ye... =)

Saya 6 week sekarang tengah rasa smua tu..nikmati saat2 walau xda sebarang symptom pregnant

5y trước

Ye mmg xsanggup rasa nak tgok bawang berdiri buka peti ais pun menyampah siap pening

me also at 6 weeks . feel nothing like pregnant. only on and off cramping like pms symptom

5y trước

haaaa... btol2. sy awal2 kehamilan ritu cma rse2 mcm ni je....

yup, it is normal.. i had no symptoms until the 4th month 😂😂

normal..saya tak ada smua benda dah 24 weeks ..

5y trước

Alhamdulillah... =)

It's normal.

normal..dont worry..u r so lucky.. 🤗😁

5y trước

Alhamdulillah... =)