Pregnant Symptoms
hi all... now i'm positive with 6weeks pregnant (as confirmed by doctor). But can i know, is it normal if i'm not feel anything like any other pregnant women symptoms such as dizziness, vomitting, craving, etc... only by next week i can do for baby scannng, so untill now i am still worried... =(

kalau mmg xde simptom2 loya ni u r so lucky 😍.. sy 6 week 5 day.. br mnggu ni start rasa tak lalu makan dan muntah malam2.. mnggu2 lps ok je.. masa ok tu pun terdetik kenapa xde loya2 muntah.. skli dapat, seksanya.. makan x lalu tu plg tak best.. br bayang makanan je dah loya tekak
Its depends on individual body. Like one of my friend, she doesn't have this symptoms while pregnant. Maybe, you the lucky one 😉. Or maybe you will feel it slowly on 6wks onwards. 😅
currently i:m on 7weeks prefnant. hopefully mmg tkde lah rse symptoms tu smua... heee...
No worries sis.. Its normal.. Btw we are so lucky, me too doesn't experiencing morning sickness from the start pregnancy until now.. My husband yg craving and got the morning sickness..
Normal. i also didnt feel any symptoms until im giving birth. On my early pregnancy, I keep asking myself am i really pregnant since I didnt even vomit. lol! Lucky us i think. hehe
yeah... i feel the same like you. hopefully i'm the luckiest one too...
depends pada skrg 6w loya muntah2 seminggu je..lps ambik ubat dr klinik untuk loya da xde da..makan pun da normal..xtaulah klu nnti dtg balik ke x..
nikmatnya nya . sy msuk 6 minggu smpai 8 minggu ni loya yg amat . mkn sket loya tp x mntah . seksaan yg amat . tp nikmat mengandung . sentiasa positi ye.
Tq kak... In Shaa Allah, tak lama lagi mudah2an msk trimester lain loya2 tu akn hilang ye.... =)
bestnya...saya 6 minggu da start rasa semua tu sehinggalah sekarang.masuk 13 minggu da..seksanya Tuhan sja tahu..makan pun x lalu..
Sabar je lah... apa2 pun jaga ksihatan & mkn. ksian kat baby tu nnt... In Shaa Allah, mudah2an nnt msk trimester lain akn hilang kot tu smua.
1st pregnant, im just feeling the symptom when 2month pregnant.sometime women feel on third sem or nothing at all.
yes it's normal.. sometimes c laki yg akn merasakan something wrong with his feelings or whatever.. 😁😁
no need to worries.. i dari first trimester sampai da nak beranak ni takde morning sickness mcm orang lain hehehehe
Alhamdulillah... hrp2 sgt sy pun tkde lah.