Morning sickness timing

Hi.. is it normal example like yesterday i was having a very bad morning sickness, vomitting until night but today i feel great! I even can eat a whole bungkus of nasi lemak without feeling nausea. Is it normal? I’m starting to worried.. is my baby safe??? Because the only way to know your baby is growing health when you have a bad morning sickness.. i am 11 weeks now

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its fine. unless u start having bleeding with back pain and abdominal pain like period pain then its a sign of miscarriage. morning sickness is just a sign on how ur body reacts to the hormonal changes. some people dont even have morning sickness for their entire pregnancy so dont worry too much.

6y trước

Thanks for the info.. 🙏🏻

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dont worry dear. i never have morning sickness untill today (35 weeks).. Alhamdulillah my baby is doing just fine.. so MS nothing much to do with the baby growth..😊

5y trước

in sha Allah🤗🤗🤗

morning sickness usually works wonder and give all the pregnant mommies out there lots of surprises. sometimes its there, sometimes its gone. so its totally normal.

5y trước

Yes! Same like me. Sour food makes me even want to throw up more. 😅😅