Now currently im having a two month old daughter , returning to work around june .. Been hating almost everything , including the thoughts of leaving my girl wit a maid who is a stranger .. Hate the thinking of she might b close to the maid next tym rather dn me who is the mother for her .. Been having many thoughts of cutting wrist , whenever my daughter dun slp in the middle of the night or wen i need my slp i feel so angry that i beat her .. Bt aft awhile , think n feel so heartache .. Am i turning into a monster ? Been having mood swing easily .. Frm happy now cn turn irritated next sec .. Feeling a sense of fear inside me ..

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Hi mummy, Dont worry that your child will be close to your maid. I have a maid too for 2 years, I was extremely worry that my son will not want me after she left. But I was so wrong... my son still want me. That was a relieved. Meanwhile, I think you should talk to your hubby about the emotional part. You need someone to talk to because it is so dangerous to have the thought of cutting your wrist. The mood swing is giving you an early sign of depression stage. Dont ignore the mood swing, it will turn bad if you ignore it. Take care mummy. If you need support, please write in parenttown, we will assist you at our very best.

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