same feeling fear
Does any1 has the same feeling as me?? I always fear that when i give birth i might not pull through bec of unbearable labour pain. This is my 1st pregnancy..

Me too at first to the point that I dont want to have a child anymore due to the fear of pain. But now I dont know why I'm not thinking about it anymore. Maybe because I have so many complications that I already used to just go with the flow whatever my OB suggested and baby's health is my utmost priority.
Read moreThis is going to be my first time too... quite daunting to me but i guess its all in the mind. Many women have gone thru it before, and so can we. Its all part of motherhood!
Felt that way too when I had my 1st pregnancy. I thought I wldnt make it but I was wrong. I manage to pull thru with normal vaginal birth, no epidural. My pain tolerance is high.
Same here! Im still in my first trimester and i worry all the time if i can handle the pain.. But many say our motherly instinct will make us stronger.
Inshaallah all goes well for you too! Selawat byk2!
me too... my edd is beginning of december , sometimes i get insomnia when i think of it, i dun knw if i can tolerate the pain for 10hr or more
me!!! I'm super scared of pain.. sometimes I got panic attack when I imagine how painful and the delivery process 😭
Go for epidural, c-sec then.
C-sec then
Me too