No signs of labour

I am at 38 weeks now, my due date is on 20th January and still no signs of labour. My doctor advised me for induced labour but i still want to wait. What should I do? Does anyone experience this before?

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hi mummy, same EDD, also no sign of labour yet.. initially had low amniotic fluid than range so doc wanted to induce earlier if it doesn't improved in a week but I just had a check yesterday and the fluid is back to normal range after a week of more water/coconut water intake.. so now am waiting again for labor, may induce if pass EDD

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1mo trước

Hi mommy, Did you decide whether to be induce or not? when is your due date?

For me, if baby is have enough fluids, size okay, not distress or having any complications, I would wait for baby to come naturally. Did your gynae raise any concerns on why he/she would want you to induce? I waited till past due date but had to induce due to low fluid.

1mo trước

If all is okay, maybe ask your gynae if you can wait till baby comes naturally instead? Is baby’s head down yet? Do also take note that, if induction fails after the third pill, you’ll have to e-Csect.