Morning Sickness

Is it normal to start experiencing morning sickness at week 3 to 4?

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Am at week 4. No vomiting or retching yet. Just a bit of queasiness. Very worried about not experiencing morning sickness and I had a miscarriage 2 months ago. Baby stopped growing at week 7. Never had the opportunity to experience pregnancy symptoms..

I am at week 5 and having no appetite at all. Just looking at food makes me feel abit queasy and no appetite at all :x

isit normal to have yellow discharge at week 4 ? and mild tummy cramp and uneasy feeling ?

Thành viên VIP

Yes, different mummies experience different pregnancy symptoms

Influencer của TAP

yeah i’ve been feeling nauseous since week 3! 😭

Thành viên VIP

I merlion from week5 to 14. It will get better...

yes! I did with all 3 of mine!


Super Mom

I did. Terrible indeed.

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started at wk 5 for me