Nipple sakit
Hi normal ke nipple pedih dan sakit.. pregnant 8weeks.. ada apa2 suggest tak
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Masa sy punya nipple tgh pedih tu letak lotion yg mmg moisturised punya. Kdg bnda tu sbb kering n kurang moisture plus bgesel plak ngn kain/bra/baju.. tp kalau symptom bterusan or nk lebih confirm or makin teruk g jmpa doc ya
normal je . sbb sy skrg dh 18weeks pn still sakit lagi klo pkai braa .
Thành viên VIP
Normal je. Nanti sakit tu berkurangan. Hilang sendiri
saya beli lotion nipple, selesa sangat
Influencer của TAP
be gentle to your nipple.
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