Loads Of FART!

Is it normal to fart endlessly in the fifth week of pregnancy? Helps!

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Sadly yes ? some weeks are slightly better but it'll persist throughout pregnancy. I personally find first and third tri causing most gas (still have it in second tri but slightly less). Our digestion slows down due to hormonal changes and it increases gas build up since food takes longer to pass through our guts. You can consider some of the tips in the article. https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/gas-during-pregnancy/

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Thành viên VIP

HAHAHHAHA NORMAL!! DONT WORRY. you'll be farting throughout the next 35weeks or so 😂

Yes me too! Eased off after a couple of weeks. I just lived with it.

Thành viên VIP

Haha. We tend to get bloated and gassy. Have smaller meals

Dont worry. It's very normal. I burp alot! ?

4y trước

Same here. Non-stop too :(

Hahaha it’s normal
