14 Replies
Sure, baby can poop more than once a day:) Perhaps if it’s like more than 4 times, and very loose, then you might be more concerned.
normal,my bb also taking formula milk,my baby poop one or twice a day... u juz need to check the poop color instead...
Yes it is normal but please observe the frequency of it. If too much then better to consult your PD
Yes, it’s normal but if your baby poop too often, you might wanna give your pediatrician a call
How old is your baby? If the poop looks normal I think it's just normal.
Unless baby allergic to cow milk. Don't think u need to change formula
Yes, normal. Unless the poop is very watery or not of normal colour.
Some formula has prebiotics and probiotics. Prevent constitute
Yes normal but you may also want to consult your pd
normal, just see the baby poops color okay