Baby Vomiting
Is it normal to baby if they vomit alot. But not losing the weight and don't have any sign of fever or sickness.
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Vomitting could be due to over feeding, not burping correctly or diaphragm not yet fully developed so baby cant expel air. My 1st born had problems with his diaphragm...he cant this day...he still finds it hard to give a good burp and he is 25 yrs he has to watch what he eats otherwise he feels bloated and uncomfortable...
Read moreNo not normal , raise your concern to PD. Try to burp your baby as often .
Overfeeding maybe. Try to feed abit lesser, if it persist, best see a pd
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Maybe due to overfeeding or not efficiently burping your lo. 😊
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Best to bring your baby to the pediatrician...
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Maybe over feeding.
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