cutting bb hair during 1 mth old
Is it nessecary for chinese babies to cut hair during one month old?
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I cut coz I collected his hair for the 胎毛笔. It really depends on parents' comfort level. My hub was emo coz cut too much but my son hair grew super fast. So it's fine after that
nope, it’s traditions n myths. my lo was born with head full of thick hair, i don’t let anyone shave or cut it till now 1yo
Super Mom
Nope, not necessary. My elder daughter cut her hair for the first time after 3yo. Haha
Influencer của TAP
It's a traditional thing. I only cut abit and fully shaved when 4 months old
Influencer của TAP
Not a must, but I did for my boy Some will shave it at 4 months
Thành viên VIP
Not necessary. But I cut my LO’s at 1 mth & 6 mths :)
Influencer của TAP
Only if you want to make the brush
Thành viên VIP
Depends on individual belief
nope..not necessary
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