first visit to gynae
hi all need some advice, this is my second pregnancy, the first one was a miscarriage. so i have checked my ovulation. but based on the first date of my last period, i am at 6 weeks now. but if i count from my ovulation date, it should be 3 weeks only. which is more accurate and when should i see gynae?

Hi, Congratulations! This is my second pregnancy too. My first born is 2 years old now. Based on my first date of last period, I'm 6 weeks too. I've scheduled an appointment with private gynae on 26 March because the appointment with my gynae will only be in May. I wanted to do ultrasound because I'm paranoid. Maybe you an do the same. :)
Read moreIf u’re unsure, u can go and get Clearblue digital test kit. It’s more expensive than the normal Clearblue as it’s able to tell you roughly which week you’re in. That can help you decide if it’s the right time to go see a gynae. 6weeks onwards is best cos can probably see fetus and heartbeat.
For me when I counted using LMP method I should be about 7 weeks but when I went for my first KKH appt, they scanned me at 5w 4d. So trust your gynae.
You should count from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. It's never too early to see a gynae. At least you can a confirmation.
Congrats! my first was a miscarriage too. i think im having a 4weeks baby now. for me, i might only go to a guinea when im 7weeks.
Should be in btw. LMP is accurate only if your period is regular. Anw the dating scan at gynae will have the final say.
You can try to schedule an appt now as it takes slightly longer for appt these days.
last menstrual cycle... my calculation differed less than a week from my gynae...
Congrats! Pls call and make gynae appointment . They will be able to see u soon.
Last menstrual cycle. That’s how I count mine.