Sleeveless onesie for newborn

Do we need to buy sleeveless onesie for newborns? Due to SG weather or just stick to short sleeve onesies ? #firsttimemom

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it's up to you. but do get those with front zip or buttons. cuz first 3 mths the body and neck of baby is quite weak so it would be quite hard to put on the onesie like pullover head kind. :)

I have a couple of sleeveless onesies and baby just looks super cute in them. looks like wearing a muscle tank. no harm getting 1 or 2!

It’s really up to you but I did after bb was born.. it’s more comfortable in this SG heat

ya i always buy sleeveless cos i will swaddle them too.. so atleast they wont be so cold.

Can easily get short sleeves in mesh material from Uniqlo. More airy.

it's up to u but for me I just buy all short sleeve onesie.

I didnt but i bought short sleeved ones..

Short sleeved onesies are the best

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