My NB is less than 2 weeks old currently on both breastfeeding and bottle feed. In the night she wakes up nearly every hour looking for my nipple jst for comfort. My confinement nanny says to use pacifier but somehow I don't feel too comfortable with starting a pacifier so young at her age. Does it matter how old a baby starts sucking on a pacifier?

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No age is too young for pacifier. I gave it v early and babies are v smart if u are worried about nipple confusion. As a child myself in the long past, I ate the most pacifier and spoilt numerous according to my mother. But when the time come to wean off it - it will be able to. Better to give pacifier, u can rest, baby gets a soother that works - which is important tool to use when someone else (besides u n husband) is trying to look after baby. It's also easier to get them to quit pacifier than to quit their hand.

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