My mother-in-law announced the news of my pregnancy on her Facebook page, before I even told my closest friends. I am so angry with her. My husband says i should let it go. How should I handle this?

Right after we announced our pregnancy to our closest family and friends, me and husband already warned them about announcing our pregnancy during the 1st trimester. We told them that we want to share about it when it reach 2nd trimester. Luckily they understand. But somehow other people seems to have quick pickup and sometimes they asked the families. The families just answered "yeah they conceived but actually we want to keep this secret coz it's still early. Sorry didnt tell you earlier" and they will understand.
Read moreAwww maybe your mother-in-law was just excited over her new grandchild, reckon there's no malicious intent behind it. Did you or your husband tell her in advance not to announce it before you guys did? I agree with your husband - let it slide - no point getting into a potentially sensitive argument that can dim the happiness brought about your pregnancy. Your friends are not on your mother-in-law's Facebook friends list (I assume?), so you can still do your own creative announcement :)
Read moreMine did the same thing! We waited to tell friends because she's a negative person and so when we finally told her, she blasted it on Facebook and totally ruined it for me. I think maybe your mil was probably excited for you guys though! And couldn't hold it in but she should have let you share your news first. Mine did it out of anger and hate, I just let her be the last to know about everything now
Read moreActually this shows that your MIL is very excited and happy over your pregnancy, and she wishes to share this joy with her friends. You can try to think positively over her action instead of thinking badly on her. If you do not like her to do this again in future, you can politely tell her to seek your permission before posting anything on FB that is related to you.
Read moreall mother in law are very self centered. I dont think they will go to this extend if this was her own daughter. I think u shd speak your mind to her. Mother in laws who donno boundaries now will only give you more problem after the baby is here simply for the fact that you did not speak your mind. Set boundaries as early as u can as u want a stress free pregnancy
Read moreMaybe she's too excited, but thata not very respectful towards you also. I think to take it from here, just tell you hubby to convey the message to her that BOTH OF YOU don't like it that the news was annouce without informing us, because you guys were actually planning for "something else" and ask her not to do anything like that next time.
Read moreHonestly there's little you can do about it... And why is it affecting you so much... chill... Just tell her lightly that she stole your thunder and both of you laugh it off... Its time to rejoice...and not let little things affect you!
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Its ok momshie.. Kng in laws ko gmw nun xmpre masaya aq kz it means super proud xa n mgkakaapo n xa.. Kesa nmn ung wlng pakelam..or ung ibng in laws wla mn reaction db..u shud be proud
Respectfully tell her to take down the post pls...because this it's a bad idea to announce one's miracle before it hatches....