My husband and I were separated and we were living separately. I

My marriage last for two years. My husband and I were separated and we were living separately. I stayed at my parent's house while he stayed with a woman that he loved. We have yet to proceed to divorce as we cannot communicate and will lead to arguement. I am not sure for how long can I wait. By the way, I have two children (aged 2 yrs old & 3 mths). He never care about the children. I need opinion. I feel lonely and sometimes I need someone to pour woes. Certain things I cannot share to my family and children. Is it ok that I can find a man that sincerely care & love me? I feel i need a love for me & my children.

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I think it's best that you approach your husband to start divorce proceedings. I know it might be awkward and really difficult to face your husband after all that's happened but it is something you have to do. Without the divorce, it seems like you're stuck in limbo - not sure where to go, what to do. Since your husband has clearly moved on, you should do so as well and the divorce is the way to initiate your liberation from this unhappy situation. It is for the best, for you and your children. Hang in there, be brave, stay strong and I pray all will run smoothly for you.

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