UV Sterilizer vs Steam Sterilizer
Any mums using UV sterilizes? Any good brands? Which one is better UV or normal steam sterilizer? Can recommend brands as well and shops to buy. Thanks!

I started off with 2nd hand steam steriliser though I hear many raves over uv. After my steam steriliser spoilt, I got a second hand uv one from my friend. I can't feel major conveniences over the uv leh, only that when u want to use it will be completely dry? For me, a little bit of water from the steam steriliser is also OK, just flick it off. Another good side about uv is u can sterilise anything. Toys, toothbrush, remote control.. But, is really no need to be so clean. What I don't like about uv is that not all materials can be places in the uv, so u have to find out first. There are already so many parts and things to do, still need to remember which can, which cannot. Very troublesome especially someone is helping u to wash/sterilise. Also, the plastic becomes yellowish after awhile...😔
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Me! UV sterilizer definitely better as compared to steam sterilizer/traditional way of boiling the bottles. My friend recently told me about a deal on Supermom’s website, only $199 including delivery. Really very cheap!

Thank you for sharing! Will check this out!
UV Steriliser is more convenient and safer. Also its more energy saving, I feel. U use electricity only for that but for steam steriliser u need to use water and electricity/gas to operate.
Haenim UV steriliser is a life saver for me! It can sterilise milk bottles, pump accessories, LO bowls and cutlery too.
UV is good, it's an investment, fast and convenient. Especially you have a lot of things to attend at the same time
UV is better because it can dry and sterilise at the same time. Save time! I am using Haenim now
If u sign up for cord blood banking with certain companies. They do give UV steriliser
Guess uv steriliser more convenient?
Haenim. Frm Thelittleonesinmylife
Thank you! Will check this out!
UV steriliser is more easy