Mums - how do I reduce my stretchmarks? 30 weeks pregnant and am developing a lot of marks everyday

Stretch marks are visible lines on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. Sometimes stretch marks can cover large areas of the body. While pregnancy is the main cause behind stretch marks, other reasons can be sudden gain or loss in weight, rapid growth, heredity factors, stress and changes in physical conditions. Castor oil, which is used in the treatment of a number of skin problems such as wrinkles, age spots, moles, dark spots, fine lines and pimples, can also be used to get rid of stretch marks. Aloe vera is effective in the treatment of many skin problems. Its healing and soothing properties can be used to get rid of stretch marks. Eggs are a rich source of protein. For stretch marks, you want to use only the egg whites, which contain amino acids and proteins. Another simple way to lessen stretch marks is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice is naturally acidic which helps heal and reduce stretch marks, acne, and other scars. Natural white sugar is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of stretch marks. You can use the sugar to exfoliate your skin.
Read moreI would like to recommend Mustela StretchMark Cream. I like the light smell and not very oily. Also, it is made of natural ingredients and doesn't contain chemicals (no parabens, phthalates, phenoxyethanol, bisphenols A and S, ca eine and alcohol). The main ingredient is Avocado peptides, which help to increase skin's elasticity. Also, it is safe to be used during breastfeeding. You can purchase it online here and it costs about $60 for 250ml. I used Clarins Oil during my first pregnancy, and Mustela for my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. So far I do not have any stretchmark on my belly. The reason I switched to Mustela is partly because Clarins Oil is too oily for me. Some tips to share when applying any brand of stretchmark cream/oil: - apply right after shower so the skin can absorb it faster - apply in circular motion on the belly and gently massage it (not too hard) - apply on thighs too as the areas will get stretchmarks due to expansion.
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I was in the same situation as you are, my stretch marks started appearing at 32 weeks - one, then a few, then overnight? I looked like a bear attacked me. I tried several different stretch mark creams before, but I only got more frustrated because they didn't help at all - only burned money in the pocket. This photo was taken 11 months after giving birth, the amount of time it took me to be comfortable with looking at myself in the mirror - serving as a reminder to me that it's 100% okay to have stretch marks! It's now 2 years after I gave birth and the stretch marks are still here but they have faded a lot - and I did nothing to "help" them fade, they just leave with time! What I'm trying to say is, take it as a "battle scar" because only mothers would have extensive stretch marks - and not every mother does too :) If you really want to reduce the looks of it, you can try applying fresh aloe vera gel or cocoa butter cream from Palmer's :)
Read moreI personally feel that all the anti stretch mark products are over rated and over priced. Stretch marks happen because one has dry skin. And expanding dry skin will have marks. Keep your skin hydrated and moist. I use simple moisturiser 2-3 times a day. Also i use coconut oil mixed with few drops of tea tree oil alternatively. I read direct application of tea tree oil over the existing stretch marks also reduce its severity. Hope this helps!!
Read moreI use coconut oil mixed in with a few drops of grapefruit essential oil; the oils help to moisturise the skin and provide it with healthy nutrients to fade the marks and regenerate the skin. You can get grapefruit oil here: and coconut oil here:
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I think there's no way to avoid stretchmarks. I started using lotion when I'm about 11 weeks. I'm 30 weeks now, stretchmarks starting to appear. I still continue with the lotion cause it itches. Told myself that's it's alright. Our body is taking care of another human, giving home to another human. As long baby is fine, I take comfort with that. And also the fact that my partner doesn't get icky with it really helps 😊
Read moreI applied strechmark cream very early in my pregnancy till the day i gave birth. Fortunately, I did not developed any. It is not too late now, you should start applying some as well to reduce it. The cream I had was recommended by my gynae and I remember it was quite costly. (Sorry can't remember the brand but got it from HK HO Clinic @ Mt A)
Read moreYup, like what Jaxy mentioned, applying stretchmarks oil/cream was effective for a lot of my friends. Most of my friends uses Bio-oil and they started as soon as they see their bump growing. A few tried Clarins Tonic Oil and found it effective for them. Also, remember to apply on the sides of your bump and thighs (which are often overlooked).
Read moreStretchmarks are form when the skin is dry and stretch due to the the expanding tummy. Apply Biooil frequently to keep your skin hydrated. I applied diligently. It works for both pregnancy. Even after i continue to apply during the shrinking of tummy so it would help to even the skin tone
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Do you scratch your tummy when it itches? If not, maybe you unconsciously scratch it when you sleep. Try maintaining short fingernails, and use argan oil for your tummy or anywhere you are having stretchmarks. Read about argan oil on google. It also safe for pregnant women. :)
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