
Hi mummy’s anyone know how to get rid or make it less visible for stretchmarks? I try stretch marks creams but isn’t working for me #firstmom #stretchemarks

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Sadly I have come to accept the fact that no products can actually “prevent” stretch marks haha…Agree that it is more of our genes/ own skin elasticity? if u get it then u get it. My baby is on the bigger side (like almost everyone who sees me will always comment my stomach is big, or ppl thought I giving birth next week kind when my due date was still 2 months away lol). Stretch marks appeared at the final lap wk36, can’t do much now anyway. Probably after give birth then only read up more on ways to at least lighten them…

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it's genetic whether you get a lot or not. they say creams etc help but for me not much. you could try dermarolling which is supposed to reduce it but I haven't tried

Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of stretch mark. But with time and moisturing, it will lighten and be less prominent.