can baby shower at evening?

Hi mummy, do you shower baby twice in a day? Do you bath baby at evening time? What time is best at evening?

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Thành viên VIP

Evening. But if we reached home late probably 8 plus or 9 then shower

Thành viên VIP

I bath baby twice a day; morning around 10am and afternoon at 5.30pm

Thành viên VIP

hmm for me I'll shower my baby in the mrng and wipe in the evening

We bath twice. Once in the morning ard 9, second time around 5

Hey, I would suggest best to shower baby in the morning time

Thành viên VIP

I bathe my baby twice. 1 around 10am another around 5-6pm

Thành viên VIP

I shower them in the morn, evening only wipe body.

Thành viên VIP

Can, I do it befor 8pm and let him sleep shortly

Try to shower baby when it's still warm, by 6pm

Thành viên VIP

Sure. Around 6. Just before going to sleep