Is bathing a baby twice a day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) just fine?

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Yes. It is safe to bath newborn daily. It is actually good that you establish a daily routine so the baby will be more predictable on what is happening next. For me, I bath my baby twice when they are young. One in the morning after milk feeds (latching) to let the newborn feels 'refresh'. Another bath session is in the evening right before bedtime to give the clue to baby it's time to sleep. If your baby has dry skin and you’ve been bathing her every day, you could cut back to bathing two times to three times a week, to see if this makes a difference. Keeping bath times short – no longer than five to 10 minutes - will help to prevent your baby’s skin from drying out.

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My sister-in-law only bathe my niece and nephew once a day when they were babies. Babies seldom get "dirty" so the general guide is to bathe them at least once a day. When bathing, pay attention to the skin folds or creases, such as those at the armpits, groin and behind the knee, as these are places where dirt tends to gather. Do not overuse bath gel as the soapy water may cause the baby to slip from the hands.

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I only bathe my baby once a day and wipe down when changing into his pajamas for bed time. Some of my mummy friends choose the easy way out of wiping down; they "rinse" baby under water without using soap. Baby do not get dirty easily as most of the time they are home so there is no need for frequent bathing.

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We only bathe bub once a day. In the morning. Our lil girl also hates having a bath - so more reason to limit it vs traumatize her further!

Once a day is enough but I used to do it twice a day as it helped set a routine and my son really seemed to enjoy his baths.