baby 1st food
hi mummy, if my baby just turn 6mth , what food to intro 1st ? then hw much to give ? is it after the food must give plain water?
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Super Mom
I started off with fruit/veg puree, like applesauce/carrot/prune/pumpkin, etc. Later I also gave baby cereals. Started off with 1-2 spoons worth, and for 1 meal a day.. then gradually increased in amount and frequency. By 8 months, baby can also have some soft lumps eg. Baby pasta/very soft carrot pieces. Play around with textures and flavours as baby grows up.
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I started at 4.5 months because the Pd gave a green light. If your lo is 6 months and sitting up unassisted, you can try BLW
Super Mom
Yes after that give some plain water since it’s 6 months
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Fruit purée and baby cereals
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Baby Cereals & Fruit Puree
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