milk feeding

hi mummy, i was suppose to give milk to my newborn every 3hr , what if my baby cry n wanted milk half an hr early? shld i give or let baby cry until it reach the feeding time?

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I started with feeding whenever my LO cries. Then he became super fat. Realised after a few weeks that his cries may be him fussing due to him being tired or uncomfortable. So now I'll use timing as a gauge. EBM about 2 hrs interval, FM about 3 hours interval. If he cries too early (more than 15 min), I'll carry, soothe and check his feeding cues (touch his mouth). If he display hunger cues, I'll just feed. If not, I'll try to distract him and feed nearer to the interval timings. Not sure if this is the right way, but as long as LO is gaining weight at the acceptable rate, I think any method is fine. :) Good luck! (2 month old mommy)

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5y trước

I am practising this as well!

Thành viên VIP

If you are breastfeeding and latching a newborn, I would just feed on demand. But if it’s formula, I would monitor the total daily intake so that I don’t over feed (newborn’s stomachs are very small).

Super Mom

It's ok to give. Their cry is a cue for you to make milk. Unless you can pacify them with hugs & carry.. sometimes they had bad dream 🤭

Thành viên VIP

You can feed on demand and give early. Don’t let the baby cry unnecessarily. Your baby is still getting used to the outside world.

Super Mom

Follow baby's cue, there's no hard and fast rules on feeding intervals. My LO's feeding time ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours.

Hi, Better to feed the baby as and when demanded so that the baby doesn't get cranky

Super Mom

Feed on demand for the first few months of life

Thành viên VIP

For newborns, feed 3 hourly and/or on demand.

Thành viên VIP

Yes. U have to feed the baby on demand.

Influencer của TAP

Newborn should feed by demand