Hello mummy, anyone could share when u will start planning for 2nd child? How and where u got the courage to have 2nd child? As i know there is so much time and effort needed to take care of a baby. If I have 2nd child. i'm worried i will not be able to cope which is why it stops me from having 2nd baby.

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I'm a mother of 2 and their age difference is 1.5 years. If I could turn back time, I would have my 2nd one when my 1st is 3-4 years old. This is the age when the 1st will become more sensible and can communicate better, so it's easier to teach him to share with and care for his sibling. The common problems all siblings at all ages face are not sharing toys and hitting each other. When he's at least 3 years old and he hits his sibling, you can explain to him why he can't do that and he can understand. Vice versa, he can tell you properly why he hits his sibling. Currently my 1st (2.5 yo) keeps snatching things away from the 2nd (1 yo) and even hits the 2nd, and when we tell him not to do it, he keeps crying because he doesn't understand us and we don't understand him why he keeps crying. All of us end up frustrated and short fused. Of course every child is different, but at the minimal, a child at 3 yo can definitely understand and communicate better than a child younger than that.

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