Hi mummies, What do you do when your 1yr old is fussing during meals, refusing to eat after two mouthfuls, and wanted to get away from the baby chair the entire time? Mine wants to stand on the chair and wail her lungs out all the time as though we are torturing her.. is this just a phase? She didn't gain any weight since her last checkup two months ago, but she's not underweight so Doctors aren't worried yet. :(

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same for me! but my boy is 3 years old. have you a routine? that helps greatly. also could it be that lo is picky? my boy is very picky. or does lo react that way to all food? maybe try to stop a while then start to reintroduce again.

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Maybe offer something for her to play or distract her with something else. Try giving her some finger food to let her self feed?

Is the milk n solid time too close and ur LO isn't hungry ?