I have a prolapsed disc, and cannot carry any weight more than 5kg. My LO is now 9 months and 8kg. I have not carried her for almost 2 months, but have tried to engage her by playing with her on the bed or in her high chair, or carrying her while sitting down. She doesn't last long though (less than 2 mins) as she wants to be carried n walked around to see things. I also have not been rocking her to sleep as my back cannot take it. She now prefers my husband over me as she is beginning to recognize people and is more aware of things, and it may get worse as time goes on as she's not going to get lighter. I may not have the chance anymore to carry her or put her to sleep, or pick her up to comfort her when she's crying. I'm afraid of her feeling distant from me and not being as close, as babies really need that constant physical touch and comfort, and it seems that I'm always not there for her. Are there any other mothers out there facing the same problem as me? How do you deal with this?:(

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How about taking her in a pram, showing her the world and having some mummy and me time together? Are you allowed to do that for your condition? Or find a stroller where you dont have to bend a lot and can still take her on slow walks for her to see the world....its good that she gets used to a stroller as opposed to carrying all the time

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She refuses to be in the pram for long too.. prefers to be carried. And there are more than enough people in the family willing to carry her, so I'm just afraid that she will feel closer to all her caretakers as compared to me who is supposed to be her mom but can't do the basics of even carrying her

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About the walking around while carrying, you have to wait a little while till she can walks, u will be enjoying it already. For a start. Hang in there. Carry her while siting down