baby carrier

Hi Mummies, What baby carrier would you recommend the best? I've heard alot of tula and ergo but not sure which to get. My baby is 1 mth old now and I hope the baby carrier can last till at least he is old enough to work at least? Where would you also recommend to go and try the carrier with the baby so I will know if baby is comfortable in it? Thanks!

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Influencer của TAP

I use konny carrier for my baby from newborn till now. I only got a tula carrier when she's 6 month old. When we go out with a stroller i still use konny. As it is light and easy to bring out and comfy for her. Only without stroller I use tula.

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Thành viên VIP

You can try on at bove, baby fair to see which one is most comfortable for you and baby before purchasing. For me I find ergo is quite comfortable. Tula explore is abit too big for me despite adjust to the smallest size.

5y trước

Thanks! Shall head to bove to try it out!

Tula Free to grow is still the best for me and my hubby.

I used Ergo, lasted till baby was able to walk on his own.

5y trước

I was looking at ergo too, seems to have different kinds. Will go check it out

Thành viên VIP

U cn try tula ftg or soul aseema!

Tula has served me very very well! :)

5y trước


I bought tula carrier for my LO

5y trước

Okie thanks!

Super Mom

Baby fair at expo this weekend

5y trước

I almost forgot abt the baby fair! Thanks!

Influencer của TAP

Can try soul anoona

5y trước

They hv a shop at punggol oasis terrace, can try there.

Super Mom

My hubby and I love tula explorer!