Mummies does ur bb does these bahaviors?

Hello mummies, I’ve noticed that my baby, who is now 6 months old, displays the following behaviors: Frequently arches his back and tilts his head back, while I’m carrying him or feeding him in the baby chair. Rubs his head from side to side against surfaces like the stroller or bouncer. Like to hit his face against the playmat during tummy time. Could you share if your babies also display these behaviors? Does ur bb eventually stop doing this at what mth? I’m worried and wondering if these are normal. Thank u mummies

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My baby is 6 months old, does the first two! And to my knowledge it's normal :) For arching back - might be curious to see what's behind or wanting to roll onto tummy or doesn't want to be held that way For rubbing head - my baby is usually either tired (and self soothing) or needs to burp! Will rub against my chest when I carry him upright

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My LO used to do it too but before 1yo she stopped displaying the above behaviours, I can’t remember which month exactly did the behaviour stopped because she’s currently 3 now… But if you’re concerned, definitely speak to your PD to get some assurance and advises.

3mo trước

I rmb around 9-10 months, when she’s angry or can’t get something she wants, she will just throw herself backwards or front while sitting down (can’t walk yet)..

My baby is now 8 months old. He likes to arches his back and tilts his head backwards while carrying him too. He will hit his head with his hands instead of against surfaces. I am still observing his behaviours currently.

3mo trước

does he shake his head side to side against surfaces? like saying no 🥲