Head banging and head shaking

Hi mummies. FTM here. Can pls tell me if ur baby does any of these. Should i be concern? :( Bb is 8 mths old now 1) bang his head (lightly) on surface like cot and play fence ( recently at 7 mths) 2) shaking head side to side (since 5 mths + )

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my kid (17mth) has been doing tt every now and then. the head banging happens when we're trying to get him to sleep and he's trying to stall. Then he'll move on to do other actions. the head shaking is when he's tired.Im not too concerned coz he's interacting with others fine.

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Hi mommy. FTM here and my baby is 8 months old as well. My baby does bang his head lightly on the baby cot but nothing’s serious. He did not cry and continue playing. He also shakes his head side to side when trying to sooth himself to sleep.

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if you're concerned you can bring this up with a pd and see if it's necessary for any further evaluation or not. In my opinion i don't think it's of any worry