Clenched fist 1 month + baby

Hello mummies, Just wondering, why does my baby clenched her fist all the time? Even after I feed her and she fall asleep while nursing her. Does that mean that she’s not full enough? Thanks in advance mummies.

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Super Mom

Clenched fists for a 1 month old baby is completely normal:) when baby’s so young, look for other feeding/hunger cues. The fists will unclench within the next 2 months, as baby starts exploring her hands.

Super Mom

When my baby does this (aft feeding) i massage her palm to relax. Or let her hold my finger. Cus i see her clench i also stress. 😅 Eventually she relax.. takes time i guess?

Super Mom

Babies hands mostly clenched in a fist for the first few mths, it's a normal reflex that will go away. They will unclench their fists by 3-4 mths.

Super Mom

Possible. Since only 1 month they cannot drink so much milk and the tummy and oesophagus all still developing

Thành viên VIP

It’s normal for newborns to clench their fists.

Thành viên VIP

Probably it's her reflex.

Thành viên VIP

its their normal reflex

Influencer của TAP

normal at this point
