Length Of Pregnancy
Hi Mummies, at which week of pregnancy did you give birth? I am currently pregnant and working and it seems so hard to plan as I understand 37 - 42 weeks is considered full term.

Yeah youre right it's impossible to plan! Generally I think people plan to go on leave 2 weeks before due date. I did that as well, in the end I gave birth at 36 weeks unexpectedly 😅. Most companies should be flexible enough to let you move the leaves around a couple weeks when the time comes so don't worry!
Read more38 weeks to be exact😊 I was working on the last day of the month which was on Friday. Went for check-up and Gynae indicate that I was ready to deliver. Went to the hospital the next day(Saturday) after lunch. Get ready and prepare. By Sunday evening, baby was out. Good luck and safe delivery😊😘
Read moreIt is difficult to plan, but as your checks with your gynae is shortened during last trimester, gynae can advise better if due earlier or later. Just prepare to offload work during last few weeks of trimester as though due the next day.
I popped on week 35 day 4. Didnt expect to pop so soon, and still happily planning my maternity. The night aft i popped, i was still replying to emails. And handover everything via email on the weekend after I discharged. Hahaa.
I arranged a scheduled csect at 38 weeks sharp and chose a good date. But all the way till 38 weeks, totally no signs of labour or anything. I was still doing cardio and kickboxing and squats daily lolol
first time mum, baby simply refused to come out... in the end induced then csec at 40 weeks + 1 day. i wonder how much longer he would have stayed inside.. i was soooo tired dragging that ball to work.
I gave birth at around 38th week. I worked until the day I delivered. The good thing is that u will have more maternity leaves reserved for taking care of ur lo after giving birth. :)
First son at 41weeks Second son at 38weeks and 2days Third son 38weeks Know i'm pregnent 36weeks 3day..hope bby cane out 38weeks coz my baby small..so i wait for pakar hospital decision
Read moreI gave birth at week 39.. Its quite hard to predict when you would give birth. I work till the very last day but that is because I don't feel sick or anything.
I am 38w6d.. and most births cannot be predicted or planned.. in this world only 5% the delivery date same exact as the due date.