Baby’s sleep schedule

Hi mummies! At which month do you get your baby on sleep schedule? What time do you get them to nap ideally?

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i didnt plan or what. i just let baby sleep whenever she wants. now at 4mth old, she usually sleeps 10pm-12am (depending) all the way to morning maybe about 7plus/8plus? nap wise, she nowadays usually nap after afternoon shower at 3plus until 5pm then nap again around 7plus

Super Mom

I only schedule the night sleep. Day naps are on demand. Newborn will sleep a lot without intervention but after 2-3 months we need to put them to sleep if they've been awake for too long or show signs of tiredness.

First one... 4mo Second one... 7mo (naturally) Nap around 11am

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Start scheduling the moment newborn reach home.

Super Mom

Start asap. After baby is discharge

Thành viên VIP

Started once bb is home from hosp

Thành viên VIP

Best to take as soon as possible

Thành viên VIP

Can start now(: