28 days confinement herbal package

Hi mummies, where do you all recommend buying herbal package for confinement? My nanny recommended me to go to 龙马 at Bugis area. I checked online it’s $400 for 28 days package. Wondering is there other places experienced mummies can recommend for cheaper / better deal. Thank you!

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Super Mom

hi i went to long ma to check.out thwir confinement package as well. may I know if the ingredients in the confinement packets are suitable for breastfeeding mum? I forgot to aak this question when I was there eariler. thanks you

U can checkout fu hua. My nanny said cheaper and the stuffs are comprehensive. I bought mine from my TCM but apparently fu hua also not bad. I bought the herb bath after my one month confinement and love the herb bath :)

I bought 老板娘 on mummy’s market. My mum went to check out other herbal packages for confinement and prices are quite similar too

I bought hockhua tonic full package, then my parents bought for me again, if you want I can let go at a discount price

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2y trước

Check out '[Hockhua Tonic Confinement Product] Confinement package ', available at S$380 on #Carousell https://carousell.app.link/AuLeT5DTpBb

you can try 老板娘 they sell different confinement herbal packages for quite an okay price