Obimin and Dha 250

Hi mummies! When exactly are we able to take the obimin and DhA 250 pills? At 12 weeks onwards or 13 weeks? Im abit careful with this because i had mishap before.. took this pills in my first trimester and caused me miscarriage..

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Really sorry for your loss however it's very unlikely that miscarriage is caused by taking supplements. Plus there can be miscalculations so you won't know for sure when you're 12 or 13 weeks. I've always taken multivitamins and DHA from the beginning for both my pregnancies and both are fine.

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The pharmacist at KKH told me to take from week 12. But like you I wasn't sure too if it's from start or completion of week 12. So to be on safer side I took from week 13.

during pregnancy better consult with gynae.. dont do self medication.. because gynae give multivits to top up your nutrients based on blood test result also.

Check with ur gynae. I was prescribed with those at 10 wks. Was consuming Blackmores previously.

I was told by my gynae to start on my 2nd trimester - 13 weeks. Are those prescribed by your gynae?

4y trước

Sorry to hear your loss. I've had 2 miscarriages and I understand your worries. No need to take the folic acid when you've reached your 2nd tri but just take the obimin & dha 250. 2nd tri starts from 13 weeks onwards. I was told by my gynae no need to continue the folic acid and just take my pre natal multivitamins.

Best to check with your gynae if you wanna be sure.

Best to take it after you have seen your gynae (:

my gynae prescribed it at 10 weeks

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after 12 weeks.