Mummies, what type of clothes does your lo wear in the day (if they spend most of their time in aircon room, 25degree) and when they go out to shopping centres? I'm constantly dressing my long sleeve and long pants with mittens and socks on as I'm afraid the ambience temperature would be too cold for them. Not sure if I'm over-wearing my lo. She is 3 months old currently. Btw, for onesies, are they meant to be worn just like that, or should they wear a pair of shorts or pants over?

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During the first three months I recalled letting my gal wore long sleeve and loh pants quite often as it was year end period and constantly raining so it is very cold. If your baby is always in air con room and shopping mall better to dress them in long sleeve and pants. And pls let them wear socks. It is not good for their feet to be cold and in fact I think it is not good to let them be in air con environment the whole day

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