Milk Supply

Hi mummies any tips on how to increase milk supply? I have been exclusively pumping for about 2 months now but I only have very little each time I pump. Does lactation cookies/tea works?

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Pump every 3 hourly (even at night though its tiring) , drink lots of water (at 2-3L per day). Legendairy liquid gold works for me. I am a mother of 2 and fenugreek had no effect on me.

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I purchased Fenugreek tea and continue to pump every 2-3hours. Drink more water & soup, I heard it helps too. Best is letting your little one to latch. Don’t give up!

How little it is? The milk supply can only be increased if you remove the breastmilk efficiently, every 3 hours and each pump session is around 20mins minimally.

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To have oats for breakfast and whenever you feel like snacking. Also salmon, spinach and dates helps too. At the same time, you can try fenugreek capsule. 💕

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u can try latching . And also try papaya soup..I tried on both tea n cookies. So far tea works better for me

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Morinaga, oats, Fennel, fenugreek are some food that helps increase milk supply

Lactation cookies and fenugreek and oats biscuits and drink lots of water

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