Weekday Diners

Hi mummies, those who send your kiddos to cc then fetch them after work, how do you all manage your dinners? Not looking at tingkat because we tried a few and we got bored of it. Any suggestions?

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Cook simple dishes. Prepare the ingredients in the morning or the night before. Or you can boil the soup and put in thermal pot for it to continue cooking. You can then enjoy the soup when you reach home.

5y trước

Thanks for the idea. Looking at such ideas to assist me :)

Thermal cooker is my best friend. Will prepare everything and throw in before I go to work and when I'm back, hot soup and rice waiting for us! :) Beat investment ever!

5y trước

Can recommend which brand?

Thành viên VIP

You can try n cook or prepare the ingredients in the morning. One dish meal is easier (:

5y trước

Yup thinking of gg library to find cookbooks of such

Thành viên VIP

then try to cook a simple meal for them, and for yourself, use grabfood

5y trước

Yup will do that. Thanks :)

Super Mom

Take away?

5y trước

Problem my house here not much options