Eating lots of junk foods (Pregnant)

Hello mummies. Is there any mummies also face this kind of issue? Like before being pregnant, I'm not into these food. Like coke, 100+, sprite, french fries, burger, hashbrown, coffee, oolong tea, chinese tea, etc. But after being pregnant, I have craving for all these almost everyday. i don't know is it because i have a hard time controlling these cravings, my baby is actually smaller than expected. 28 wks but baby is only 26 wks. doctor said it's okay due to genes. Both my spouse and i are quite short. First child is also smaller in size compare to peers. Does anyone face similar issue? Like you know these food are bad for you, but you just can't control your cravings. What are some issues you faced once your baby is born? Is the baby alright when born?

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Me! Never had coke for 4-5 years but damnnnn coke is the only soft drink I craved for during pregnancy. 😒 I’ve put on 17KG, baby stayed for 40weeks 3 days and came out weighing only 2.6kg 😂 No issues for the both of us, no jaundice issues as well 😊 Height wise it’s always 1cm shorter than average height but weight wise always at 50th percentile 😅 (still within normal range)

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2y trước

That's good to hear~ 😁 I'm so worried for my baby as I have hard time controlling these cravings.