Can i cheesecake?

Hi Mummies, Is it safe for me to eat a slice of cheesecake just like those selling in Mcdonalds Mccafe? Reason because there’s eggs in it right, and by right they didn’t bake it. I’m a first time mum and first pregnancy in first trimester 😬

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I think normally unbaked cheesecakes won't have eggs (traditional tiramisu will though). For a major chain like McDonald's I think they will pasteurize any raw eggs to prevent any accidents so it should all be safe. Honestly I didn't restrict my diet much except for caffeine, alcohol, raw oysters and herbs; sushi, ice cream, poached eggs etc are still a go for me. I try to avoid homebased bakes too as they aren't really regulated by food safety standards.

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Super Mom

Hey Mama, even if there are eggs, they are likely pasteurised so you don’t have to worry. (:

Safe to eat but these kind of sweet processed stuff better to eat in moderation

Thành viên VIP

should be safe, just eat moderately

Eat in moderation

Thành viên VIP

yes safe