100+ Zero

Hi Mummies, is it safe to drink 100plus zero throughout pregnancy?

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Better to hv it in moderate as it may cause u gassy as I hv suffered with tht on my pregnancy n better to hv it healthy diet .. u may can take but reduce the quantity n make it once in a awhile

I had that too during my pregnancy as craving for gassy drinks so took it but I try not to take it often. Maybe two weeks once? But after first tri, the craving is gone..

Super Mom

It’s always safest to drink plain water and the others in moderation. If there’s anything u want to take in the Long term, pls talk to ur gynae bout it

Thành viên VIP

I had it during pregnancy! Everyone says consume in moderation but I took one per day 😂

4y trước

One can per day! Because the weather is just hot! Yes it’s fine!

Thành viên VIP

Best to drink plain water or if you crave for 100plus then drink in moderation

Hi, Try to have it in moderation as it is carbonated

Influencer của TAP

Try not to drink too much gassy or cold drink.

Influencer của TAP

i usually refrain from carbonated drinks

Influencer của TAP

In moderation, not too much.