
Hi mummies! Do you recommend getting Haenim 3G the model with bluetooth function or 4G the latest model? I saw a comparison chart the difference is not that much actually.. which are u using?

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I was thinking the same too! Seems like other than better outlook, nothing else! And with no Bluetooth function, seems like a downgrade but need to pay more.

5y trước

Icic, will consider 3G, thanks!

Just got 3G. Works fine. Didn’t see the point in paying extra if no exceptional enhanced functions

Super Mom

I just get the 3G too. The price diff is $150 and the additional feature is not worth the price.

I would just get the older version. Been using 3G for a year now and there’s no issue

We have been using the 3G one, no issues so far. Been using it for close to 8 months.

Newer version, cheaper online and free delivery

Thành viên VIP

Using 3G now; works just fine.

Thành viên VIP

3G is good enough

Thành viên VIP

3G is fine