Am i seeing things? 😅
Update 3rd October: Pregnancy ended with a miscarriage 😢 Update: Doctor have confirmed my pregnancy. Thanks Mummies! Hi Mummies, Need more pair of eyes to see this. Are you seeing double line? From what i see is that i may be pregnant but maybe too early to tell, as i'm only 2 days late for menses.

congratulations, I see two lines as well! this looks like my result on two days of my calculated missed period on similar stripy test like yours. You can try getting clear blue or Watson/guardian test which I did and the line came out darker on them as they might be more sensitive . :)
looks like there's a faint 2nd line.. you can test again in another 2 days or go polyclinic for blood test.. for me, my menses very regular so I tested 1 day after missing menses..
I'm confused too. 2 days late and been testing at 11 dpo, 12 dpo, 13 dpo all bfn. is this evap or early stage? I had bad nausea today due to sensitive to smell

test again 2 3 days later. I see a faint line. May all goes smoothly
Congrats I see two lines too! :) you can try testing again 2 days later with first morning urine and the T line should get darker.
congratulations 👏🎉 I see two lines too! you may want to test again few days later to see if have two lines 😃
I see two lines too! Also, i got a positive too when i tested 2 days late for period! Now 16 weeks pregnant 😀
Congrats! Have a smooth pregnancy and delivery :)
I SEE TWO!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Do try to take again in few hours time!!
congratulations I saw the double line.
congratulation I saw double line
Pls take care! 💪🏼 *hugs*
Thank you mummy. I really needed that.. Still coping with the loss 😢