
Hi mummies - my LO have just turned 4 months but have yet to learn flip. Is this OK?

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Hi its normal My baby flip at 5 months 6 months = totally do nothing, only lying on mat Crawl and stand + cruising at the same time, that is 7 months Stand without support 8 months.

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Thành viên VIP

It may take your LO until she's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because she needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver.

Super Mom

Yes, that’s normal:) when they learn to flip but don’t know how to flip back on their own, that’s also another headache. Heh.

Thành viên VIP

Yes don’t worry ok every baby is different! Your baby will be able do in no time!

Yes it is fine. All babies grow at different pace

Thành viên VIP

dont worry, she will learn to flip eventually!

Thành viên VIP

Yes, every baby is different

OK. Some babies take longer

Thành viên VIP

My kids started only after 5 mths

4y trước

We let them do tummy time quite frequently.. den suddenly they just flip on their own.. 3 of em all flip at different wks la.. bt >5 mth old

Super Mom

U can do more tummy time